MABC Meets the first Wednesday of each month

Location : FCHS Board Room

The MABC members are as follows:

President: Theresa Goscinski - 618-560-8808 -

Vice-President: Jodi Goodnight  618-570-8016 - 

Secretary: Jekyel Schulz - 618-210-4696 - 

Treasurer: Jaime Dill - 618-558-0525 -

Scholarship Chair: Brittney Greene - 618-530-3017 -

Concession Chairs: Jamie Thompson - 618-339-9066 - 

                             Lori Rohzon 580-919-0542 -

 Chad Stafko 618-977-6683 -

Spiritwear Chair: Leslie Pruett - 618-210-7254 -

Fundraising Chair: Shelly Fritz 618-531-1422 - 






Dear parents of FCHS athletes,


The Midget Athletic Booster Club supports the student athletes of Freeburg High School by purchasing equipment and supplies that may not be afforded through the sports budgets.  

The majority of our funds are raised by selling concessions at the home games of all of our sports and by selling "Midgetwear" clothing and accessories.  The effort that the MABC puts into raising funds and helping our athletes and coaches is rewarded when we see the  enjoyment our students get from participating in sports and the personal growth and development that is evident in our athletes.


If you have a child participating in any sport at FCHS, you are automatically considered a "booster".  Please consider taking an active roll in the MABC by attending our meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the high school.  Your input is invaluable in making the financial decisions the booster club is faced with at each meeting.  


Thank you,

Midget Athletic Booster Club  


Schedule for the 2024-2025 School year: 

MABC By-Laws - Updated 2022