Effective July 1, 2021, school districts will be required by the Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) to provide additional guarantees that student data is protected when collected by educational technology companies, and that data is used for beneficial purposes only (105 ILCS 85). This information is currently being analyzed and collected and will be housed in a publicly accessible database.

Listed here is a link to a website containing all contracts FCHS currently maintains with entities which may contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of students. https://sdpc.a4l.org/manage_agreements.php?state=IL&districtID=6442

This website will be updated regularly as FCHS enters into or exits from agreements with vendors. Agreements are entered into with vendors when it is a vital component for use that a students information is entered into the vendors database. This may include basic access or the ability to track student use/progress within the vendor resource. FCHS does not provide student data to vendors for purposes other than educational use or specific use cases such as school pictures, yearbooks, and graduation items. FCHS does not provide student data to any vendor for the sole purpose of advertising.

All personal information used to identify a student is maintained in the schools student management system. Any data that is used with a vendor is used from this student management system. Custodial parents may review this information for accuracy and make corrections by contacting the school office. In the event a custodial parent has a concern regarding the use of their students data they may make an inquiry to the SOPPA Compliance Officer (listed below) via email. The inquiry will be reviewed and responded to in a timely manner. In the event the information can not be removed from the vendor without diminishing the academic outcomes a case will be submitted to the district administration for review.

In the event there is a security breach with a vendor that the school is in agreement with, parents/guardians of any affected students will be notified by the district within 30 days of the breach.

For questions or inquiries please contact the S.O.P.P.A. Compliance Officer:

Mr. Jeffery A. Alt, Director of Technology - Freeburg Community High School email: jalt@fchs77.org ph: 618.539.5533 x222